Features list

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Play matches and unlock lessons

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Send corrections

See bookmarks and corrections

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Respond audio match with audio

Reshuffle match images

Set daily or weekly goals

See usage statistics

Translate (0-2⚡️)

Bookmark message (8⚡️)

Unlock hints during match (10⚡️)

Reward other players (2-15⚡️)

Save correction received (5-15⚡️)

Review mini-games (20⚡️)

See history

Listen to texts

Start audio match

Add contact email or website to public profile

Types of costs

Free of cost for all players

Can be used without any limitations.

Sometimes free, sometimes costs energy points (⚡️)

Example: translation costs 2⚡️ during a match, but is free when consulting your bookmarks and corrections.

Consumes energy points

Energy points (⚡️) refill with time until the maximum amount of 80. Subscribers or Polygloss Unlimited have infinite energy.

Sometimes free, sometimes requires subscription

Example: seeing your past text history in the library is free until the most recent 10 items, but requires subscription for seeing your whole text history.

Requires subscription of Polygloss Unlimited

Only subscribers can use this feature.