Sharing the company

As mentioned in our Governance page, Polygloss is to be shared and owned by all of us. For the moment we use the Slicing the pie model to decide how we do what. In order to calculate our % once the project is profitable, we need to know two things:

These two things are tracked for the moment in the two sheets linked below. More details about why and how we do this like this can be found here:

Slicing the pie

Interested in investing in Polygloss?

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Polygloss friends and family funding

Incomes & Expenses

These documents can be edited by any team members and are publicly visible by anyone inside or outside Polygloss.


This is where we count how much everyone spends. Any of us in the team can pay for things that are useful for the Project, or you can ask if Etiene has a budget for something you need. (Example: premium html template, design tool subscription, ads, user research). When you invest something, that counts as an investment towards your % of ownership, so please let the rest of the team know on slack.

Work weeks

Work weeks

This is where we count how much time we spend on Polygloss. It is a rough calculation based on the % of each working week (5 days), the numbers in there are added by each person of their columns. This document is trust-based. Just add your time there.

What we could do with more funds